Сложный рекурсивный запрос SQL Server

У меня есть таблица с именем wws_fa

Я хочу найти что-то вроде этого

пока я не нашел верхний уровень

как мне это сделать с помощью SQL

но это перейдет на один уровень выше только когда vo_refid != 0

Я хочу добавить CTE или любое решение, чтобы я мог перенести fa_fatherid в View

| fa_refid | fa_id    | vo_refid | fa_typ   |
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| 12       | V08015   | 0        | 37       |
| 1790     | V42413   | 12       | 25       |
| 2852     | V74736   | 1790     | 1004     |
| 7326     | V00880   | 6834     | 1        |
| fa_id    | fa_fatherid |
| -------- | ----------- |
| V74736   | V08015      |
|V00880    | 211336      |
but I have some problemsI need to check if (the vo_refid = 0 or is null (fa_fatherid = fa_id))else if (fa_typ  = 1  (fa_fatherid = select from another table a value))else go up in the search where ( new.fa_refid = vo_refid)
with fa_id_hierarchy (child_refid, father_id, vo_refid, fa_typ)
select fa.fa_refid as child_refid,
         when fa.vo_refid = 0 or fa.vo_refid is null then fa.fa_id
         WHEN fa.vo_refid <> 0 AND fa.fa_typ = 1 THEN (SELECT auid FROM Deleco.dbo.au WHERE Deleco.dbo.au.aurefid = fa.fa_refid)
         ELSE NULL
         END AS father_id,
         fa.vo_refid as vo_refid,
         fa.fa_typ AS fa_typ
From DELECO.dbo.wws_fa AS fa
union all
select fa_child.child_refid as child_refid,
         when fa_father.vo_refid = 0 or fa_father.vo_refid is null then fa_father.fa_id
         WHEN fa_father.vo_refid != 0 AND fa_father.fa_typ = 1 THEN (SELECT auid FROM Deleco.dbo.au WHERE Deleco.dbo.au.aurefid = fa_father.vo_refid)
         ELSE NULL
       END AS father_id,
       fa_father.vo_refid as vo_refid,
       fa_father.fa_typ as fa_typ
from fa_id_hierarchy as fa_child
join DELECO.dbo.wws_fa AS fa_father
on fa_child.vo_refid = fa_father.fa_refid
where fa_child.vo_refid IS NOT NULL and fa_child.vo_refid != 0
Вопрос задан29 февраля 2024 г.

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